Special attention should be paid to getting rid of parasites. Folk remedies for parasites in the human body are used to effectively eliminate unpleasant symptoms, restore the impaired functioning of internal organs. All therapeutic measures are carried out at home, having previously coordinated their actions with a doctor. How to treat adults and children from harmful worms? What can be done to prevent their occurrence?
general information
In the human body, one or several types of helminths can parasitize.When it gets inside the human body, the helminth develops an active life, taking away from the body all the nutrients necessary to maintain its normal functioning. In addition, the parasite releases toxins that have a destructive effect on tissues and mucous membranes of vital organs.
There are many harmful organisms that can infect the human body. They all vary in size and structure. Their ability to localize in hard-to-reach places of the human body is simply amazing. They can be found anywhere: in the head, legs, abdomen, genitals. Most often, helminths affect the small and large intestines, hence the name - intestinal parasites.
The most common parasites in the human body:
- Flatworms - fluke, schistosoma, pulmonary (hepatic) fluke, etc.
- Roundworms - Trichinella, hookworm, roundworm, pinworm, whipworm.
- Unicellular - lamblia, chlamydia.
- Fungi (mycoses).
- Bacteria - streptococci, micrococci, staphylococci.
Each pest, when it enters the human body, provokes the occurrence of a disease. For example:
- schistosomiasis is caused by schistosomes;
- enterobiasis - pinworms;
- opisthorchiasis - hepatic fluke, etc.
Symptoms of the presence of parasites
When the human body is affected by one or more varieties of parasites, the following symptoms occur:
- Stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation). The reason for the difficult discharge of feces is associated with the overlap of the intestinal lumen by an accumulation of parasites. Diarrhea is triggered by toxic substances secreted by helminths during their life.
- Body aches, joint and muscle pain. This malaise occurs due to the localization of pests in the muscles and synovial fluid.
- Allergic skin rashes, dermatitis. It is impossible to remove painful manifestations even with medications.
- Appetite problems. A person cannot get enough or, conversely, refuses to eat, while fluctuations in body weight occur.
- Flatulence and increased gas production.
- Tumors of a malignant nature. Very often, cancer patients are heavily infested with parasites. Cells of one of the organs, being under the negative influence of toxins secreted by helminths, are reborn into cancerous cells. Such a problem is revealed after a diagnostic study.
Traditional methods of treatment for parasites in the human body
Cleansing the body of parasites with folk remedies begins with preparation. Preparation includes adherence to a therapeutic diet and drinking regimen. It is known that parasites love sweet and fatty foods, but are afraid of spicy and sour foods. The characteristic smell and pungency of taste impede the development of the vital activity of worms, act as an antiseptic. Therefore, it is recommended to add more dishes and products with a sharp (bitter) taste to the menu. List of spicy foods:
- pepper;
- spices (cinnamon, cloves, ginger);
- onion and garlic;
- horseradish and mustard.
Subject to the drinking regime, preference should be given to liquids that have effective anthelmintic properties that ensure the removal of toxic substances and helminths from the body. You need to drink more teas, prepare decoctions from medicinal plants. It is also recommended to add fruit and berry juices, fermented milk drinks to the menu.An acidic environment creates unfavorable conditions for parasites, allows you to cleanse the body of harmful products of their vital activity.
Anti-parasite recipes
Antiparasitic remedies of traditional healers and all traditional medicine are a godsend for people who deny drug treatment, for pregnant and lactating women, for young and older children. All folk remedies for parasites are good in their own way, you can opt for any that is most suitable and convenient. Traditional methods have the advantage of low cost, allow you to cleanse and cure worms.
Coriander fruit
Coriander is a medicinal plant whose useful raw materials are fruits and essential oil. Coriander fruit powder helps to remove parasites from the body and existing toxins. It can easily cope with itching and allergic skin manifestations. To get rid of parasites in the human body with folk remedies, you can use the anthelmintic agent used for cleaning.
Preparation and application:
- Take 50 g of fruit.
- Put on a hot skillet.
- Fry for 5-6 minutes.
- Grind into powder.
- Take ¼ tsp. 2 times a day.
- The therapeutic course will be 10 days.
Watermelon seeds
Getting rid of parasites in the body with folk remedies takes place with the help of melon seeds. Method of preparation of the anthelmintic:
- Crush the watermelon seeds with a coffee grinder.
- Combine with milk (1: 10).
- Drink 200 ml of solution daily on an empty stomach.
Linden or aspen ash
The tool is used to cleanse the liver and biliary tract, to remove parasites: hepatic fluke, lamblia, toxocar, fluke. First you need to find a linden (aspen) and cut down a few branches. Bring the twigs home and burn them to get ash. For a remedy, you will need 7 tbsp. l. ash. Reception scheme:
- On days 1, 2, 3, drink 1 tsp. twice a day with ½ glass of milk or kefir.
- From 4 to 7 days, drink 1 tsp. ash once a day.
- It is necessary to be treated with this method within 7 days.
Ginger root
Ginger is the best remedy for parasites and an extremely useful product with a bactericidal, choleretic, antioxidant effect. The spice allows you to remove and expel the protozoa in the larval stage. And also to remove toxins and toxins from the body. To fight parasites, pickled, fresh and dried ginger, powder and alcohol tincture are used.
Method number 1:
- Take the dried root.
- Grind to a powdery state.
- Consume 1 tsp. 3 times a day with a fermented milk drink.
- The course of treatment is 7 days.
Method number 2:
- Take 0. 5 kg of fresh ginger, 0. 5 l of vodka (alcohol).
- Grate the root on a fine grater.
- Place the mixture in a glass jar.
- Pour in vodka.
- Insist 2 weeks.
- Drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day before meals.
- Getting rid of worms lasts about 10 days.
Pumpkin seeds with honey
Pumpkin seeds can kill tapeworms and clear other worms.Effective removal of parasites, allowing you to cope with their larvae and adults, is carried out with the help of a healing agent. To prepare it you need: take 100 g of seeds, 2 tbsp. l. honey. Mix the ingredients and eat the potion in two steps. After 2 hours, drink a laxative. The adults and larvae of the parasites leave the next day with feces.
An effective "triad" is used to cleanse the body of worms, their eggs and other parasitic forms. Herbs have a depressing effect on worms, allowing them to be removed from the body. Components in the "triad": tansy (2 tsp), wormwood and cloves (1 tsp). The ingredients are ground into powder and mixed. Internal reception methods:
- 1st day - 1 tsp. on an empty stomach;
- 2nd day - 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals;
- From 3 to 7 days - 1 tsp. three times a day.
What to use for child therapy?
Most often, parasites are found in children - pinworms. Enterobiasis is easy to cure if detected in time. Therapy for children consists in expelling adult parasites from the intestines. Treatment of parasites with folk remedies, unlike medication, is harmless for children. It is non-toxic, soft and gentle on the developing organism. The drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Before using any alternative method, you should consult with your pediatrician about the correctness of cleansing the body and fighting parasitic worms.
Natural oils
When the baby sleeps, female pinworms crawl out and lay their eggs. Doctors recommend smearing the skin around the anus with hemp, pumpkin or sea buckthorn oil to avoid re-infection. It is also recommended to use oils in food, drip 3-4 drops in food, water or tea. Herbal remedies will help get rid of worms, cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.
Pumpkin seeds
A product known for a long time for its beneficial properties. The content in the seeds of a rare amino acid - cucurbitin, provides a good anthelmintic effect, allowing you to fight parasites in the human body. Many parents are wondering how to find out how much seeds you can give your child. Children under seven years of age - 150 g, up to 10 years - 200 g, children over - 300 g. Giving pumpkin seeds every day, you can save a child from pinworms. For children under 3 years old, grind seeds with water or honey (if there is no allergy).
Tansy plant
Possesses good anthelmintic properties, fights against human parasites. The plant contains toxic substances that poison worms, so it should be used with caution to treat children. It is important to observe the exact dosage of the plant in the preparation of the drinking broth. Internal administration of an antihelminthic agent is carried out taking into account the child's body weight.
Baking soda
The alkaline environment created by soda in the intestines is unfavorable for the vital activity of parasites. Children are given cleansing soda enemas that remove intestinal forms of worms. The liquid consists of ½ tsp. soda, 250 ml of warm boiled water. It is advisable to carry out enema before going to bed, after the procedure, lie down for 10 minutes and go to empty the intestines. Cleaning the body from parasites is carried out daily for 7 days.
Garlic and onion
Cleaning the body from parasites at home is carried out with the help of garlic and milk.The antiparasitic agent is suitable for internal use and for enemas. If the garlic is not on hand, an onion will do. The procedure for preparing a medicinal medicine against parasites:
- Grind 2-3 garlic cloves.
- Pour in a glass of warm milk.
- The product is drunk at a time.
- The course of treatment will be 5 days.
It is not always possible to prevent infection with helminths. However, if you follow the preventive recommendations, the risk of contracting parasites will be halved. Fundamental rules:
- Wash hands thoroughly before eating, after outside, after using the toilet.
- Do not touch stray animals on the street.
- If a person has a pet, carry out antihelminthic prophylaxis for him every 3 months, for owners - every 6 months.
- Every morning, carry out wet cleaning of the living quarters, ventilate the rooms.
- Wash fresh fruits and berries under running water before eating.
- Thoroughly heat the meat and fish.
- Do not drink raw tap water.
- Avoid swimming in muddy waters.
Preventive measures also warn that if you or your family members have suspicious symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor and get diagnosed. A disease detected in time is much easier to cure than its advanced form. In the case when drug therapy is prohibited, treatment with folk remedies is most effective in the fight against various parasites.