Parasites cleanse the body - antiparasitic program

The human body is a very convenient habitat for various microorganisms. Unfortunately, such a neighborhood often causes great harm to a person, leading to serious illnesses and consequences. Worms are one of the parasitic forms of life. According to statistics, every third person suffers from this disease. Infection with helminths occurs no less often than flu and other colds. When you see the image of parasites in the pictures, you probably say - no, I definitely do not have it! I wash my hands, I have no pets, how can this muck end up in my body?

parasites living in the human body

Where and when could I get infected? - you ask. The answer is simple - Canadian physician Zoltan Rona: "The incidence of parasites in North America is rapidly increasing due to increased tourism and migration, water and food pollution, overuse of chemicals and antibiotics. Worms, nematodes and a large number of amoebas are much more common among the population. what traditional medicine knows. A high concentration of parasites is observed in commercial meat products - bacon, ham, sausages, sausages, chops, etc. Pork, beef, chicken, lamb and even fish are very often infected with parasites. "

How do helminths enter the body?

The most favorable habitat for parasites is the gastrointestinal tract: intestines, duodenum, liver. But in modern medicine there are frequent cases of detection of parasites in the most unexpected places: heart, brain and spinal cord, joints, eyeball . . . There are cases when parasites became the cause of the development of malignant tumors. It all depends on how the eggs of helminths and parasites enter the body. The most common way is food and not washed hands on time. Infection is also possible through an open wound that was not disinfected in time. In this case, with a blood flow, helminth eggs can be anywhere. And the consequences of infection with them are very deplorable.

Symptoms of the presence of parasites:

  • External signs. Often, when infected with parasites, a person loses weight dramatically, the skin becomes pale and stale. A patient with helminths has a feeling of chronic fatigue, loss of strength.
  • One of the most popular signs is itching in the anus;
  • Children who bite their nails are also more likely to be infected with helminths.

The above signs are not the only manifestations of the presence of parasites. Due to the huge variety of types of helminths, worms and protozoan parasites, the signs of the presence of helminths can also be different:

  • Disorders in the stomach, upset stools. In the case of localization of helminths in the intestines, this symptom is very common. Pain, bloating may occur. Stool disorders such as constipation or diarrhea.
  • Nervous disorders. Parasites poison the body with the products of their vital activity, the body is constantly exposed to a harmful toxic attack. As a result, periodic headaches and nausea may occur. And in some cases, there are pains in the joints and muscles, an increase in body temperature.
  • Manifestations on the skin in the form of allergic rashes. Due to weakened immunity, rashes may appear on the skin, which are accompanied by itching and flaking. In addition, cases of allergic cough are not uncommon. In an infected person, the structure of the nail plates and the roughness of the skin of the feet may change. Hair becomes faded and brittle.
  • Weakening of immunity. Violation of the body's immune defense leads to an exacerbation of existing diseases, their transition to a chronic form. A common cold can turn into bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and other diseases.

How to get rid of worms at home?

The first thing that traditional medicine recommends is to be tested for parasites. It is foolish to start self-medication without proper diagnosis. In case of a positive result, it is possible to achieve success in the fight against parasites thanks to the correct integrated approach, which includes drug treatment, the use of traditional medicine and preventive measures for the treatment of helminthiasis. The most common medicines are tablets and syrups. Traditional medicines include herbs, teas for parasites.

Antiparasitic phytocomplex antiparasitic based on green tea. Promotes the elimination of parasites and their waste products from the body, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens the immune system. Means - allows you to get rid of a wide range of parasites and remove the products of their metabolism, as well as relieve inflammatory processes in the biliary system and gastrointestinal tract.

Several simple rules of home treatment should be highlighted:

  1. Stay on top of your medication schedule. Do not lower or increase the dose prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Maintain a clear medication schedule.
  3. Be sure to discuss treatment with folk remedies with a specialist, this will help to avoid complications and allergic reactions.

Drug treatment of helminthiasis

It is difficult to single out one best remedy for parasites. All medications are aimed at paralysis of parasites and their excretion in human feces. All modern drugs are divided into groups for the treatment of a certain type of parasite.

  1. Remedies for getting rid of roundworms. Roundworms include such common types of helminths as pinworms, roundworms, toxocaras and other less common species. These drugs include levamisole, vormil, piperazine, vanquin, medamin.
  2. Remedies for tape worms. This type of worms include teniarinhoses, sparganosis, dwarf and bovine tapeworm and others. Drugs for treatment include fenasal, akrikhin, nemozol.
  3. Means for the treatment of flat worms. Flatworms include parasites such as fascioliasis, clonorchiasis, paraganimiasis, and others. Among the drugs are praziquantel, tetrachlorodiphenyl sulfide.

As an alternative to medications, study carefully the drug that helps to remove parasites and their metabolic products from the body, improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthens the immune system. Improves digestion, ensures the outflow of bile, relieves inflammation, normalizes liver function, directly affects parasites, and removes toxins. Natural composition: clove (powder), walnut extract, magnesium citrate, buckthorn bark extract, centaury extract, immortelle flower extract, lactose, MCC.

Folk remedies for worms and worms

Even if there are no parasite symptoms, prophylaxis is carried out every six months or a year. It has long been known that worms cannot tolerate odorous herbs and plants: onions, garlic, tansy, wormwood. The oldest known remedy for helminths is pumpkin seeds. It is enough to purchase a package of this product in any pharmacy or store, carefully peel (but so as not to remove the green shell) and eat.

There are many popular ways to get rid of helminths. Here are the simplest ones:

  1. in spring and summer, they eat several leaves of sorrel on an empty stomach;
  2. in winter it is very good to take baths with the addition of anise infusion. This substance easily enters the body through the pores of the skin. And since it has a pungent odor, parasites cannot tolerate it;
  3. a remedy that absolutely everyone can afford, even pregnant and lactating women - pumpkin seeds;
  4. Pour 200 ml with 2 tbsp. l. oak barks are insisted in a closed thermos - this way the water is better saturated with phytoncides;
  5. 1 tbsp. l. tansy flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water, and then insisted under the lid for 4 hours. After that, filter and drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day half an hour before meals;
  6. mix 150 ml of alcohol and 1 tbsp. l. bitter wormwood. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, after which 20 drops are taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

It is up to you to choose which means to use, remember your health is in your hands!