Capsules Wortex

The drug for parasites in the human body

Capsules Wortex
98 €49 €

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Wortex parasite remedy

Wortex capsules at the lowest price and with delivery in Germany can be bought on the manufacturer's official website. This is a unique remedy that instantly removes parasites from the body. The composition contains only natural and safe ingredients. They have antibacterial and antiparasitic effects. The price of the drug is 49 €. If you want to order a drug, the easiest way to do this is on our official website, by leaving a request in the questionnaire. Just wait for a call from the manager and arrange delivery.

Wortex - the last word in the fight against helminths

Wortex - effective antiparasitic capsules for the treatment and prevention of helminths. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by the presence of parasites and infectious viruses in the body.

A parasite dangerous to humans

As an effectiveness of treatment, this drug against parasites in the human body has shown itself well in the fight against such ailments as neurocysticercosis, giardiasis and filariasis.

These diseases are caused by infectious parasites such as: pinworms, roundworms, filariae, etc. Settling in the human body, worm-like parasites cause serious harm to health, causing acute intestinal infections, diseases of the genitourinary and vascular system and general health deterioration.

In the absence of treatment and an extremely advanced stage of the disease, these parasites can lead to death of the host.

Action of Wortex capsules for the treatment and prevention of parasites

Wortex is widely known for its antiparasitic and antibacterial properties. The composition of its active substance includes a component that determines the focus of the spread of parasites and negatively affects their vital activity. Using a remedy for the treatment of worms, you will get the effect in a few days.

Healthy gut without parasites with Wortex

By creating an unfavorable habitat for parasites, Wortex contributes to their neutralization and treatment of the body without prejudice to the health and well-being of the patient.

The composition of the drug Wortex for the treatment and prevention of infection with helminths contains only high-quality, highly effective components that, when entering the human body, perform the following functions:

  1. Affect the focus of the spread of parasites.
  2. Stimulates the immune system and metabolic processes of the body.
  3. They have a mild, detoxifying effect.
  4. Neutralize the effects of parasites.
  5. Improves performance and overall well-being.
  6. Promote the development of an environment pathogenic for parasites without harming the body.

Patients taking Wortex capsules for the treatment and prevention of worms, note the high effectiveness of the drug, an overall improvement in well-being and the effectiveness of the action on worm-like parasites. Germany delivers capsules to any address, you can order capsules now and get a 50% discount.

The composition of the active ingredients Wortex for the treatment of worms

Wortex capsules for the treatment and prevention of helminths are made from chemically active and plant components.

The capsules contain substances that act on the outer shell of the parasite. Penetrating inside, the drug begins to destroy worms, thereby neutralizing it due to the following components:

Ingredients in Wortex for Worm Treatment Component effect
Black walnut extract helps to cleanse the body, removes toxins and toxins. It is used for the treatment and prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases, negatively affects pathogenic microorganisms and parasites.
Carnation the high content of ascorbic acid, resinous substances and saponins, forces parasites to leave the host's body, since acids have a destructive effect on their habitual habitat.
Olive extract it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, it has a good effect on the metabolic processes of the body.
Moringa powerful, absorbent. Promotes the cleansing of blood vessels and excretory channels, penetrates the pathogenic DNA of the parasite, destroying it from the inside.
Rosemary contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, has a healing and tonic effect.
Pumpkin seeds Since ancient times, our ancestors ate pumpkin seeds because they have antiparasitic properties. Pumpkin seed oil has a positive effect on the entire body.

Additional components in the composition of Wortex for the prevention and treatment of helminths: magnesium, hydrogen phosphate, retinoids, sodium, medical talc, gelatin.

Indications for use

Helminths and worms in the gastrointestinal tract

The presence in the body of worm-like parasites such as: roundworms, helminths, pinworms, whipworms, etc.

It is not difficult to identify parasitic worms in the body; any blood test can show their presence in the body. If helminths are found, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and take treatment measures.

Wortex for the treatment and prevention of helminths - the first highly effective remedy. Due to the unique combination of active substances, the drug quickly penetrates into the intestinal cavity and absorbs the pathogenic parasitic environment, without causing side effects and disturbances in the human body.

How to use Wortex capsules and dosage instructions

Following the instructions, the drug must be used adhering to the following dosages:

  1. With enterobiasis 1 capsule once a day, for adults and for children. To eliminate the risk of recurrence, it is recommended to take 1 capsule of Wortex every 2 weeks for 2 months.
  2. With ascariasis and mixed type of helminthiasis - 1 capsule of 100 mg, 2 times a day, for a week for children and adults.
  3. With teniasis and strongyloidosis, 200 mg of the drug is prescribed, 2 times a day for adults and 150 mg for children. The course of treatment is 7-12 days.

If there is even one parasite patient in the family, it is necessary to drink a course of Wortex capsules for all family members as a prophylaxis.

Capsules Wortex for the prevention and treatment of helminths at an attractive price and delivery in Germany can be bought on the manufacturer's official website. The price is only 49 €, what is the price in another country.

Doctor's review

Doctor Parasitologist Stephan Stephan
34 years old
Wortex capsules are made on the basis of an organic complex. The remedy in a short time and without damage to health eliminates parasites, bacteria, normalizes the digestive tract and stabilizes general well-being. After taking it, the work of the stomach and intestines is restored, appetite appears. The capsules have passed medical tests successfully. Patients infected with helminths, parasites, roundworms come to me, and I advise them to buy Wortex. You cannot buy a drug in Germany at a pharmacy; this can only be done on the manufacturer's official website.